Pocrastination! Smarty Pance – Epistemology Boxers

3 12 2008

So, I was attempting to do my Flash portfolio and website projects that are due TOMORROW morning and got distracted… My friend got me looking at Benford’s law on wikipedia and then Don mentions “epistemology” – the theory of knowledge, which I proceed to look up.. and then I somehow become convinced that it is absolutely imperative that theĀ  bubble chart from epistemology’s wikipedia be on a pair of boxers… and after 40 minutes of searching google image search for “underwear”, “monkey wearing underwear”, “panties”, “butt”, “ass”, and “boxer brief” I found this image and the photoshopping ensued!

Pocrastination of Po

Pocrastination of Po

Alright, now that this shameful moment of my life has passed, it’s time to get back to work!